38 Views· 06/22/24

This is a short film that is symbolic of a boy's transition into manhood.

Every culture has the responsibility premise of withstanding the test of time using various practices to help a boy's understanding of being a man in modern society.
A concept that is rooted in the thought of an individual's personal quest through this transition and displays the endurance it takes to overcome these trials in order to become what you envision of yourself.

The practices displayed are representational and do not necessarily imitate the actual methods taken in the process of Initiation.

This film was made to uplift our current youth in Africa and inspire them to embrace themselves and their respective cultures.

Dir: Thuli 'Lawrence' Jadezweni & Siphowe Mfundo Latha

Starring: Vincent Makhanya | Kgalalelo Mabunda | Siphiwe Latha

Costume & Style: Siphiwe Latha

Lighting & Assistant Prod: Odirile Makaku

Lobo Loco
[Postman Jack ID 1018, You Got The Blues ID 1201, Visions of 2018 ID 783]

Imperial Tiger Orchestra
[09 Lale Lale]

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